Thursday, 11 September 2014

The Four Types of Writing

Currently in Grade 5 we are learning how to write a paragraph properly, and the four main types of writing:
expository, narrative, descriptive, persuasive.

We brainstormed together in class using the subject of cats.  From there we decided to write about how cats were going to take over the world!

The End of the World As We Know It

September 9th, 2014

Cats are taking over the world as we know it, and claiming it for their own.  It all started with the mutant cat that they found in a dumpster in Toronto.  It was a rageful feline beast, with green glaring eyes, and sharp fang-like teeth.  When it escaped from the laboratory at the Science Center I had a feeling there would be trouble.  Later on in the week we were hearing stories on the news that cats were coming from everywhere, charging into homes and attacking the occupants, claiming peoples’ houses as their “Command Centers.”  Before we knew it, reports were coming in from every city in the world that cats were raiding shops, attacking police cars, and even charging government buildings, trying to overthrow the leaders of countries!  As I hid in my house behind the curtains of my front picture window, I could hear them...charging down the street...sharpening their weapons and lighting their torches...coming straight for me!

Paragraph Outline

Topic Sentence:
Cats are taking over the world as we know it, and claiming it for their own.
3 Supporting Points:
1. how it started/where it started
2. claiming peoples’ houses as command centers
3. the actions cats were taking to take over the world
Closing Sentence:
As I hid in my house behind the curtains of my front picture window, I could hear them...charging down the street...sharpening their weapons and lighting their torches...coming straight for me!

I wrote an example paragraph for the class.  We also discussed how to create a paragraph outline to organize our ideas.

From there, we went into the computer lab and logged on to our tools to go accounts. We typed out our narrative paragraphs and the students shared them with me, so that I can edit them one-on-one in writing conferences.

The next type of writing we will delve in to will be descriptive writing!

Stay tuned for examples of student work!

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