Thursday, 18 September 2014

Science Quiz and Lab Reports

There will be a Science Quiz on Monday.

The following will be covered:

  • cells
  • the digestive system
  • cell diagram that will need to be labelled
  • digestive system diagram that will need to be labelled
  • a word bank for the diagrams will be provided
I also want to note that the students lab reports will be collected on Monday before the quiz.

Below is a copy of the report the students were given.  Students are required to complete the sections below:
  • hypothesis
  • observations
  • application
  • analysis

The Digestive System

September 17th, 2014

Purpose:  Create a model of the digestive system to learn how it works.



  • plastic bags
  • nylon
  • rag
  • banana
  • graham crackers
  • bucket


  1. Squish your banana and crackers up with your hands.  Add some water to it.  The “squishing” represents your mouth chewing, and the water represents “enzymes.”
  2. Place the squished up food in a baggie.  Add a bit more water to it.  These represnts “enzymes” and “gastric juices.”  Seal the baggie.  Using your hands, squish up the food until it’s mixed up really well.  This represents the churning action that happens in the stomach.  Make sure there isn’t a lot of air in the baggie.  What would happen if there is too much air in the bag?

  1. Cut a hole in the bag

  1. Pour the contents of the bag into the pantyhose.  Make sure you hold one end of the stocking closed.  If not, the experiment ends here!  Make sure your nylon is in a bucket, as there will be leaking fluid.

  1. Hold the bottom of the bag over the rag.  This represents the large intestine.

  1. Squeeze the mixture onto the rag.  Pat the mixture with the rag.

  1. Place the mixture in another plastic bag.  Cut a hole out of the bottom.  Gently squeeze the mixture out of the bag and into the bin.  This represents excreting feces!

  1. Clean up.


(body parts not being observed today:  esophagus, liver, pancreas, gall bladder)

Part of the Digestive System
Description in words
(point form)


Small Intestine

Large Intestine


I can apply this experiment to real life_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Why did we use a plastic baggie to represent the stomach?
  2. Why did we use the leg of pantyhose stocking to represent the small intestine.
  3. How does the digestive system help us move?
  4. What role do enzymes and gastric juices play in our digestive system?

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