Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Homework: Tuesday, September 30th

Math:  Page 59 #1 a,b #2 a-d, #3 a-d

Word Study:  Friday

Book Talks:  Oct 7th

Respiratory Lab Report:  Due Monday

Get marks signed!

Church tomorrow

Monday, 29 September 2014

Math Congress and the 3 Part Math Lesson

We are practicing the 3 part Math lesson in Grade 5.

We begin our lesson going over the learning goal and success criteria.

From there students are working in groups to solve a problem based on the concept being taught that day.

Then we post our work up on the board, and we look at it together as a class, focusing on the positive or interesting strategies and approaches taken to solving the problem.

I teach any new concepts that must be delivered in order for the content to be grasped.

Students then work independently on reinforcement seat work.  I take students that would like to work together at the back in a small group.

Below is some examples of student collaborative work during "Explore."

Monday, September 29th


Book Talks Begin October 7th

Math:  AFQ due tomorrow

Word Study due Friday

Religion Response due tomorrow


Thursday, 25 September 2014

Friday, September 25th

Math:  Pg 52 #1-3

Descriptive Paragraph due Monday

Line Art due Monday

Novel must be read by Monday.  Book Talks begin October 7th

Topic Sentence worksheet due Monday

Enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Terry Fox Walk

Hello Comet families!

We have raised tonnes of toonies for Terry today!  We had a great Terry Fox walk today, and we were so lucky to have such beautiful weather!

Thanks so much for your support.  We kicked off the walk with a school assembly where we sang Oh Canada, heard a speech about Terry from our awesome student council, and then watched a short video about Terry's journey.

Below is some footage from our walk today:

Homework: Wednesday, September 24

Art:  Due Monday

Descriptive Paragraph:  Due Monday

Word Study:  Due tomorrow

Novel:  September 29th

Reader Response due tomorrow

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Homework: Tuesday, September 23

Art:  due Friday

Word Study:  Friday

Toonie for Terry Day tomorrow!  Wear red and white!

Novel:  Must be read by Sept 29

Who is your hero?

Monday, 22 September 2014

Homework: Monday, September 22

Math:  Finish multiplication chart, Page 49 #1,2

Word Study due Friday

Novel must be read by September 9th.  Book Talks begin October 7th

Art due Friday

Multiplication and Division

We have begun to work on multiplication and division in Grade 5.  Please spend 15 minutes or so a night reviewing multiplication and division with your child.  The basic math facts are so important!

We spent some time today working on a multiplication chart, defining key words we will encounter in multiplication and division problems, and then reviewed our basic facts with multiplication bingo!

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Wednesday September 24th: Toonie for Terry Day

Hello Comet Families,

This upcoming Wednesday, Christ the King will be participating in the Terry Fox Walk of Hope.  We are asking that you send your child to school in red and white colours.

Terry's dream was to have every Canadian donate $1 in the name of cancer research.  If you are willing, we ask that students bring in a "Toonie for Terry" and contribute to Terry's dream, and show his family and supporters that we believe and support his legacy in fighting cancer!

Friday, 19 September 2014

Student Samples: Narrative and Descriptive Writing

The following are some student samples of descriptive and narrative paragraphs the Grade 5s have written:

Adventure In The Sea

    On my  first day  looking  for shipwrecked  treasure under the  sea I  found some interesting things.   I  dove  in and started swimming deep into the blue water and I saw a ship at the bottom of the sea.  It looked interesting.  I swam in through the anchor hole and I found a treasure chest . I opened it and found a key and  saw words on the key.  It read, “swim and find a jewelry box  open it with the key hope you like what you find.”  I swam and swam and  I swam until I passed a beautiful coral reef.  I was surrounded by the most beautiful fish with colours that I had never seen before.  I looked down by my feet and there, on top of the coral, was the largest oyster that I had ever seen.  When I got a closer look I realized that there was a key hole on top of the oyster.  I tried the  key, and it turned.  Was slowly began to open the treasure shell when I heard my Dad calling me under the water.  His voice became louder and louder calling, “Lisa, Lisa!”  Suddenly, I felt a tug on my shoulder.  Then I woke up safe and dry in my bed.


The Mutant Warewolf
I heard a howl from my bedroom at night, I knew it was not a dog. The next morning I came down the stairs and I noticed that my house was simply not in the right in the right place . I was happy that whatever was howling the night before did not eat me, but once I heard growling I knew I had to run. I ran as fast as I could and noticed that it was not chasing me anymore, so I stopped running. I decided to see if he had left. When I got back to my house the warewolf was right in the middle of the room, growling, waiting for me. 


                                                                                                 September 17,2014

       Who is that amazing person that I have heard about? Her name is Emily, and she is an awesome young lady. Once you glance at her marvelous hair, you will see a gorgeous shade of dirty blond. Her hair is a bit longer than shoulder length with cute, honey highlights. In fact she has an amazing figure with striking features such as her height and face. To match her good looks, Emily always has a cheerful perspective and is very enthusiastic. Her enthusiasm radiates through the classroom spreading cheer to all. Anyone one who knows such a magnificent person like Emily is lucky!

                                                                                                                September 17, 2014     

Cayla is a sweet and loving grade five girl in Mrs. Reame’s class at Christ the King School. One thing that I like about Cayla is her beautiful, golden hair that reminds me of the sun rising in the morning. It has a gentle wave, just like the ocean on a calm summer’s day. Cayla also has a huge sense of fashion. She wears bright, colorful, and stylish outfits every single day. The most beautiful thing about Cayla is her eyes because they are as blue as a clear summer sky. Her eyes sparkle in a special way like nobody elses. Cayla is a very talented, creative young lady from Windsor, Ontario!  
Soon to come...spooky short stories, persuasive and expository paragraphs, and so much more!

Homework: Friday, September 19

Science Quiz and Lab Report due Monday

Read your novel!  Must be finished by September 29th!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Homework: Thursday, September 18th

Math:  Page 46 # 1a,b #3

Word Study:  due tomorrow

Science quiz and lab report due Monday

Descriptive Paragraph:  due tomorrow

Novel must be read by September 29th

French Quiz tomorrow

Science Quiz and Lab Reports

There will be a Science Quiz on Monday.

The following will be covered:

  • cells
  • the digestive system
  • cell diagram that will need to be labelled
  • digestive system diagram that will need to be labelled
  • a word bank for the diagrams will be provided
I also want to note that the students lab reports will be collected on Monday before the quiz.

Below is a copy of the report the students were given.  Students are required to complete the sections below:
  • hypothesis
  • observations
  • application
  • analysis

The Digestive System

September 17th, 2014

Purpose:  Create a model of the digestive system to learn how it works.



  • plastic bags
  • nylon
  • rag
  • banana
  • graham crackers
  • bucket


  1. Squish your banana and crackers up with your hands.  Add some water to it.  The “squishing” represents your mouth chewing, and the water represents “enzymes.”
  2. Place the squished up food in a baggie.  Add a bit more water to it.  These represnts “enzymes” and “gastric juices.”  Seal the baggie.  Using your hands, squish up the food until it’s mixed up really well.  This represents the churning action that happens in the stomach.  Make sure there isn’t a lot of air in the baggie.  What would happen if there is too much air in the bag?

  1. Cut a hole in the bag

  1. Pour the contents of the bag into the pantyhose.  Make sure you hold one end of the stocking closed.  If not, the experiment ends here!  Make sure your nylon is in a bucket, as there will be leaking fluid.

  1. Hold the bottom of the bag over the rag.  This represents the large intestine.

  1. Squeeze the mixture onto the rag.  Pat the mixture with the rag.

  1. Place the mixture in another plastic bag.  Cut a hole out of the bottom.  Gently squeeze the mixture out of the bag and into the bin.  This represents excreting feces!

  1. Clean up.


(body parts not being observed today:  esophagus, liver, pancreas, gall bladder)

Part of the Digestive System
Description in words
(point form)


Small Intestine

Large Intestine


I can apply this experiment to real life_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Why did we use a plastic baggie to represent the stomach?
  2. Why did we use the leg of pantyhose stocking to represent the small intestine.
  3. How does the digestive system help us move?
  4. What role do enzymes and gastric juices play in our digestive system?

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Wednesday, September 17

Science:  Lab Report due Monday

Descriptive Paragraph due Friday

Word Study work and test on Friday

Novel must be read by Sept 29th

The Digestive System

Today we did an experiment where we recreated the Digestive System!

We discussed the scientific method first, and went through the procedure as a class.

From there we conducted the experiment.

chewing the food

chewing the food and adding enzymes!

The stomach!
check out my messy hands!

food travelling from stomach to small intestine
Food going through the small intestine

Transferring to large intestine

Travelling from large intestine out of the body
Travelling from small to large intestine

Ta da!  Experimenting!

Ahhhh!  Gross!

Students were given a lab report to complete by Monday.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Homework: Tuesday, September 16th

Word Study:  due Friday

Math:  AFQ due tomorrow

Novel:  must be read by Sept 29th

Word Study Program

The word study program began in Grade 5 yesterday.
Students were given a workbook.  They were put into groups.  They were asked to choose ten words that they found challenging (although not too challenging) to spell and define.

Once they had chosen their words, they were asked to write each word three times each.  Then they were instructed to write a "silly" story using all ten words.

The students have until Friday to complete this work.

Students are reminded to copy the word down CORRECTLY the first time.  Some students are spelling words wrong in their notebooks.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Homework: Monday, Sept 15th

Novel must be read by September 29th

Math:  Page 42 #1 a-c, #2 a-c, #3

Reader Response due tomorrow

Word Study work (three times each and silly story) due Friday

Have a great night!

Friday, 12 September 2014

Friday, September 12th

French Quiz on Friday

Nouns worksheet due Monday

Novel must be read by September 29th

Apryl, don't forget you are Star of the Week!

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Homework: Thursday, September 11th

Science:  Page 7 #1-3 and complete chart

Novel must be read by September 29th

French title page due tomorrow

The Four Types of Writing

Currently in Grade 5 we are learning how to write a paragraph properly, and the four main types of writing:
expository, narrative, descriptive, persuasive.

We brainstormed together in class using the subject of cats.  From there we decided to write about how cats were going to take over the world!

The End of the World As We Know It

September 9th, 2014

Cats are taking over the world as we know it, and claiming it for their own.  It all started with the mutant cat that they found in a dumpster in Toronto.  It was a rageful feline beast, with green glaring eyes, and sharp fang-like teeth.  When it escaped from the laboratory at the Science Center I had a feeling there would be trouble.  Later on in the week we were hearing stories on the news that cats were coming from everywhere, charging into homes and attacking the occupants, claiming peoples’ houses as their “Command Centers.”  Before we knew it, reports were coming in from every city in the world that cats were raiding shops, attacking police cars, and even charging government buildings, trying to overthrow the leaders of countries!  As I hid in my house behind the curtains of my front picture window, I could hear them...charging down the street...sharpening their weapons and lighting their torches...coming straight for me!

Paragraph Outline

Topic Sentence:
Cats are taking over the world as we know it, and claiming it for their own.
3 Supporting Points:
1. how it started/where it started
2. claiming peoples’ houses as command centers
3. the actions cats were taking to take over the world
Closing Sentence:
As I hid in my house behind the curtains of my front picture window, I could hear them...charging down the street...sharpening their weapons and lighting their torches...coming straight for me!

I wrote an example paragraph for the class.  We also discussed how to create a paragraph outline to organize our ideas.

From there, we went into the computer lab and logged on to our tools to go accounts. We typed out our narrative paragraphs and the students shared them with me, so that I can edit them one-on-one in writing conferences.

The next type of writing we will delve in to will be descriptive writing!

Stay tuned for examples of student work!

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014


Math:  Page 39 #1, 2 a-c, 3, 4

Narrative Paragraph:  due tomorrow shared with me on google docs or written out.

Nouns sheet:  Due tomorrow

Religion Response due tomorrow

French title page due Friday

Discovering Cells Through Microscopes

In Grade 5 we are looking at cells in Science.  We are attempting to identify parts of cells, and looking at the differences between plant and animal cells.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Homework: Tuesday, September 9th

Math:  Assessment Focus Question

Literacy:  Paragraph outline

Human Body title page due tomorrow

Read Pg 6 in your Science textbook for tomorrow

Cross-Country tomorrow afternoon

How We Do God's Work

Religion:  Moral Obligations

In Grade 5 we have been discussing how we can "do" God's Work. We brainstormed a bunch of ideas on how we can carry out God's Work, and then broke into groups to create tableaux.  Below are the finished products.

"Faithful Followers"

"Helping the Need"

"Saving a Life"

"Stop Littering"

"You Always Need a Helping Hand"

Monday, 8 September 2014

Homework: Monday, September 8th

Math:  Page 36 #1, 2 a-c, 3, 4

Human Body title page due Wed

Harvest Fresh forms due Wed

Have a novel for tomorrow.  Students received their assignment outlines for book talks, which will begin the last week of September.

Cross-Country every M/W/F.

Making Connections Activity

In Grade 5 we are working on making connections.  We read the story "Diary of a Spider" by Doreen Cronin.  We talked about the different events in the story, and interesting connections we could make to the character "Spider."

We then talked about how to write a Reader Response.  We looked at an example of a Reader Response, and we discussed the format of "APE,"  Answer, Proof, Explain.

We also discussed the proper spelling of "bullied."