Monday, 27 October 2014


Writer's Workshop and book cover due Thursday

Science Test Thursday

Play Performances Thursday

In Class Science Project due Friday

No word study this week due to Science Test and Writer's Workshop.

In Class Science Project below:

The Human Body:  Culminating Activity

Your projects must be done AT SCHOOL.  

You may prepare some items at home, but the bulk of it is done in class.

You may choose from the following options:

  1. Create a model of the human body incorporating one of the digestive, respiratory, muscular, nervous, and/or circulatory systems. Present and explain the model to the class. PARTNER
  1. Write a narrative in first person from one of the human body system’s point of views.  Explain what it is like to be “A Day in the life of the ... (respiratory/ or other) system.”  This is typed on tools2go.  It is handed in, not orally presented. ON YOUR OWN

  1. Create a trivia game with questions and answers about the human body using the presentation app in tools2go on one of the body systems.  This is presented to the class. ON YOUR OWN

  1. Create a newsletter informing grade 5 students all about one of the major systems in the human body.  Be sure to include graphics and captions.  This is handed in, not presented. ON YOUR OWN

  1. Draw a labelled diagram with descriptions of one of the human body systems.  This is handed in, not presented. ON YOUR OWN

  1. Create a song or a rap about one of the systems.  Perform it for the class.  Hand in a copy of the lyrics. PARTNER


Knowledge and Understanding
demonstrates a thorough understanding of the body system
demonstrates a considerable understanding of the body system
demonstrates some understanding of the body system
demonstrates a limited understanding of the body system
Thinking and Inquiry
project is planned to include more than the necessary information.
project is presented/performed creatively with no errors in spelling or grammar, or if presented, is very enthusiastic and well rehersed
project is planned to include the necessary information.
project is presented/performed creatively few errors in spelling or grammar, or if presented, is enthusiastic and student is prepared
project is planned to include some of the necessary information.
project is presented/performed somewhat creatively with some errors in spelling or grammar, or if presented, is somewhat enthusiastic and prepared
project is planned to include a limited amount of necessary information.
project is presented/performed with little creatively with many errors in spelling or grammar, or if presented, is unenthusiastic and ill prepared
project is presented completely in the student’s own words.
project is presented in the student’s own words.
project is presented in some of the student’s own words.
project is presented not in the student’s own words.
Student has applied the knowledge he/she has learned to potential outcomes if the system doesn’t work properly/has complications with a high degree of effectiveness
Student has applied the knowledge he/she has learned to potential outcomes if the system doesn’t work properly/has complications with a considerable degree of effectiveness
Student has applied the knowledge he/she has learned to potential outcomes if the system doesn’t work properly/has complications with a considerable degree of effectiveness
Student has applied the knowledge he/she has learned to potential outcomes if the system doesn’t work properly/has complications with a considerable degree of effectiveness

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