Saturday, 18 October 2014

Curriculum Update

Math:  Unit 3 Geometry

We began measuring and constructing angles on Friday.  We will continue to work on this Monday and Tuesday.  Usually reading the protractor is a challenge.  The kids will often give the wrong measurement just because they misread the protractor.  It takes practice.  I just reinforce that prior to measuring we classify the angle.  If the students know what type of angle it is first, it usually helps them decide which measurement on the protractor is a better fit.

Literacy:  Main Idea, Improving Sketchy Writing, and Writing Narratives

We have wrapped up working on making connections and visualizing while reading.  We have begun to focus on main idea in guided reading and throughout literacy lessons.  We will be working with the mentor text "Something Beautiful" next week.

The students have been writing a narrative in writer's workshop.  The focus has been on descriptive writing and plot development.  The kids seem to be enjoying the ability to write creatively. Workshops are due October 30th.

Book Talks were well done!  Some students really got creative with their presentations!  I love to see the kids excited about learning and presenting.

Science:  We will be finishing up our unit on the Human Body by the end of the month.  The Unit Test will most likely be Oct 30th.  I will post the review soon.  The students have studied cells, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, skin, and we are currently on the nervous system.

Phys-Ed:  We have been running the beep test, doing yoga, and playing games of low organization.

Health:  We have discussed healthy eating habits, and will delve deeper this month.

Religion:  We have studied the Sermon on the Mount, how to carry out God's work in the community, and the parable of the lost sheep.  We will begin studying St. Francis Xavier next week.

The Arts:  This month:  Haunted Houses and Halloween Plays!

Areas of Strength:

The students were very good with adding and subtracting three and four digit numbers.  Many of them grasped the concepts of long division and two digit multiplication. Many have developed a good understanding of the format for Reader Response.  They are loving science experiments, and most work well in groups.

Things to Look Out For:

It is always helpful to rehearse multiplication and division facts with the kids.  Also, reading together for ten to fifteen minutes a night benefits everyone.

The new way of evaluating includes a large emphasis on problem solving.  It is important for the students to not just calculate, but understand how to solve a problem, and which numbers and what operation to work with.  We do a lot of problem solving in class,  If you want to work on this with your child there are many websites that are helpful, and I have some resources at school I can photocopy for you.

Again, I'd like to take a minute and tell you how much fun I am having at CTK in Grade 5.  The kids are awesome.  They have personality, big hearts, and everyone is included.  I have yet to see many of the social issues that plague many schools.  CTK sure is a special little place, and I could not be more proud to be a COMET!

Thank-YOU for all of your support.  I am here to help your child learn and grow and WANT to come to school.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns.  My first priority is, and always will be, the kids.

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