Friday, 31 October 2014


Happy Halloween All!

Math Test:  Chapter 3- Wednesday.
We will be completing the Show What You Know on Monday.  If you want to help your child study, focus on:

measuring and classifying angles
sorting and classifying polygons
constructing triangles

Our plays were a hit!  The primary classes loved them!  The Haunted Houses look fantastic that the students made, and the Grade 5 girls performed an awesome dance to "Calling All the Monsters!"

Our Science projects were presented today as well.  I am telling you, these kids sure do have talent!

Today was a blast, and we learned so much as well.

Here are some pictures from our day today:
Trick or Treat

The Spooky School

Haunted Mansion

The Great Pumpkin

Calling All the Monsters


Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Dress Rehearsal tomorrow

Writer's Workshop and book cover tomorrow!

Science Unit Test tomorrow

Science In Class Project due Friday

The plays are hilarious.  I am dying. I LOVE them! The kids are soooooooooo good!  Videotape will be placed up here if possible!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Play Dress Rehearsal tomorrow.  Bring props/costume pieces

Writer's Workshop due Thursday with book cover

Science Unit Test Thursday

Wear pink tomorrow

Science Projects due Friday

In Class Science Assignments

Check out our progress so far!

Writing our song on the Nervous System

Creating my game show on the Respiratory System

Working Hard!

It's all about the Human Body!

Science on the chromebooks!

Creating our model of the digestive system

I love the chromebook!

I'm so happy to be doing Science!


Creating our model

Writing our song

Music and lyrics

Rap battle:  Circulatory vs Nervous Systems!

Rappin' the Digestive System!

It's all about the Science

Science Talk Show

The beginning of a model

The beginning of a model

Monday, 27 October 2014


Writer's Workshop and book cover due Thursday

Science Test Thursday

Play Performances Thursday

In Class Science Project due Friday

No word study this week due to Science Test and Writer's Workshop.

In Class Science Project below:

The Human Body:  Culminating Activity

Your projects must be done AT SCHOOL.  

You may prepare some items at home, but the bulk of it is done in class.

You may choose from the following options:

  1. Create a model of the human body incorporating one of the digestive, respiratory, muscular, nervous, and/or circulatory systems. Present and explain the model to the class. PARTNER
  1. Write a narrative in first person from one of the human body system’s point of views.  Explain what it is like to be “A Day in the life of the ... (respiratory/ or other) system.”  This is typed on tools2go.  It is handed in, not orally presented. ON YOUR OWN

  1. Create a trivia game with questions and answers about the human body using the presentation app in tools2go on one of the body systems.  This is presented to the class. ON YOUR OWN

  1. Create a newsletter informing grade 5 students all about one of the major systems in the human body.  Be sure to include graphics and captions.  This is handed in, not presented. ON YOUR OWN

  1. Draw a labelled diagram with descriptions of one of the human body systems.  This is handed in, not presented. ON YOUR OWN

  1. Create a song or a rap about one of the systems.  Perform it for the class.  Hand in a copy of the lyrics. PARTNER


Knowledge and Understanding
demonstrates a thorough understanding of the body system
demonstrates a considerable understanding of the body system
demonstrates some understanding of the body system
demonstrates a limited understanding of the body system
Thinking and Inquiry
project is planned to include more than the necessary information.
project is presented/performed creatively with no errors in spelling or grammar, or if presented, is very enthusiastic and well rehersed
project is planned to include the necessary information.
project is presented/performed creatively few errors in spelling or grammar, or if presented, is enthusiastic and student is prepared
project is planned to include some of the necessary information.
project is presented/performed somewhat creatively with some errors in spelling or grammar, or if presented, is somewhat enthusiastic and prepared
project is planned to include a limited amount of necessary information.
project is presented/performed with little creatively with many errors in spelling or grammar, or if presented, is unenthusiastic and ill prepared
project is presented completely in the student’s own words.
project is presented in the student’s own words.
project is presented in some of the student’s own words.
project is presented not in the student’s own words.
Student has applied the knowledge he/she has learned to potential outcomes if the system doesn’t work properly/has complications with a high degree of effectiveness
Student has applied the knowledge he/she has learned to potential outcomes if the system doesn’t work properly/has complications with a considerable degree of effectiveness
Student has applied the knowledge he/she has learned to potential outcomes if the system doesn’t work properly/has complications with a considerable degree of effectiveness
Student has applied the knowledge he/she has learned to potential outcomes if the system doesn’t work properly/has complications with a considerable degree of effectiveness

Friday, 24 October 2014

Naming, Sorting, and Creating Polygons

Students are learning how to measure and classify angles inside of  polygons, as well as classifying different types of polygons.

Today we divided into partners and attacked a really tough question using geoboards, protractors, dot paper, rulers, and our noggins.

It is so interesting...given a non-stress environment, and a partner, the kids worked so well on this task.  All of the conversations were made up of accountable talk, and everyone stayed on task.  The best part...every group came up with the correct answers!  It was so awesome to see the kids empowered, feeling good about themselves...and learning at the same time!

Homework and Science Review for test on Oct 30th

Math:  AFQ due Monday

Writer's Workshop and Book Cover due Oct 30th

Science Unit Test:  Oct 30th

Lab Report due Monday

Get Literacy Marks Signed!

Science Review:

Part A:  Matching

There will be words and definitions to match.
Words will come from:
digestive, respiratory, nervous, circulatory systems, note on skin and muscle and bone.

Part B:  Labelling

There will be a diagram of the nervous and circulatory system that will require labeling.  The diagrams will be from the textbook.  Word Banks will be given

Part C:  Essay Question.

There will be a choice of three systems. IE:  digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems.  The student will choose one system and write a proper paragraph explaining how it works.

Thursday, 23 October 2014


Math:  Angle worksheet corrections if you have them.

Lab Report Due Monday

Writer's Workshop due October 30th

Religion Response due tomorrow

Word Study due Friday

Science Unit Test on October 30th

French quiz tomorrow

Reader Response due tomorrow


Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Tuesday, October 21

Expository Writing paragraph due Thursday

Lab Report due Monday

Writer's Workshop due Oct 30th

Word Study:  Friday

Monday, 20 October 2014

Homework and Lab Report Expectations

Extra Practice Sheet in Math

Expository Paragraph Outline tomorrow

Word Study:  Friday

Lab Report due Oct 27th (Monday)

Get French signed

WW due Oct 30th

The Lab Report Expectations

Lab Reports are given 7 days to complete.  They should be typed.  Class time will be provided during Guided Reading.

This lab was assigned Monday, October 20th.  It is due Monday, October 27th.

All Labs must include all 8 elements of the Scientific Method:
Purpose:  The reason you are conducting the experiment
Hypothesis:  A guess as to what you think will happen
Materials:  What “stuff” did you use?  Record this in point form.
Procedure:  What were the steps of the experiment?  This is to be done in point form.
Observations:  Always recorded in a chart.  This is done in point form. Tell me what you “see”
Diagram:  Done with pencil and coloured pencil.  Lines are drawn with a ruler
Application:  How does this experiment apply to real life?  Answer must be minimum of three sentences
Analysis:  This is where you answer the assigned questions.  Each answer must be a minimum of 2-3 sentences. Pg 21 #2, 4, 5

all of these sections are thoroughly completed neatly and where necessary in point form
most of these sections are  completed neatly and where necessary in point form
some of these sections are thoroughly completed neatly and where necessary in point form
few of these sections are thoroughly completed neatly and where necessary in point form
formed to include all testing aspects of the experiment
formed to include most testing aspects of the experiment
formed to include some testing aspects of the experiment
formed to include few testing aspects of the experiment
detailed notes on what the student “saw” completed in point form and in a chart.  May include  diagrams throughout
detailed notes on most of what the student “saw” completed in point form and in a chart.  
notes on some of what the student “saw” completed in point form and in a chart.  
sparse notes on little of what the student “saw” completed in point form and in a chart.  
includes all materials and steps of the experiment
includes most materials and steps of the experiment
includes some materials and steps of the experiment
includes few materials and steps of the experiment
all questions are answered in detail.
most questions are answered in detail.
some questions are answered in detail.
few questions are answered in detail.
demonstrates a thorough understanding of the reason why the experiment was conducted, and its importance to the concept being studied
demonstrates a considerable understanding of the reason why the experiment was conducted, and its importance to the concept being studied
demonstrates some understanding of the reason why the experiment was conducted, and its importance to the concept being studied
demonstrates a limited understanding of the reason why the experiment was conducted, and its importance to the concept being studied
Overall Mark

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Curriculum Update

Math:  Unit 3 Geometry

We began measuring and constructing angles on Friday.  We will continue to work on this Monday and Tuesday.  Usually reading the protractor is a challenge.  The kids will often give the wrong measurement just because they misread the protractor.  It takes practice.  I just reinforce that prior to measuring we classify the angle.  If the students know what type of angle it is first, it usually helps them decide which measurement on the protractor is a better fit.

Literacy:  Main Idea, Improving Sketchy Writing, and Writing Narratives

We have wrapped up working on making connections and visualizing while reading.  We have begun to focus on main idea in guided reading and throughout literacy lessons.  We will be working with the mentor text "Something Beautiful" next week.

The students have been writing a narrative in writer's workshop.  The focus has been on descriptive writing and plot development.  The kids seem to be enjoying the ability to write creatively. Workshops are due October 30th.

Book Talks were well done!  Some students really got creative with their presentations!  I love to see the kids excited about learning and presenting.

Science:  We will be finishing up our unit on the Human Body by the end of the month.  The Unit Test will most likely be Oct 30th.  I will post the review soon.  The students have studied cells, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, skin, and we are currently on the nervous system.

Phys-Ed:  We have been running the beep test, doing yoga, and playing games of low organization.

Health:  We have discussed healthy eating habits, and will delve deeper this month.

Religion:  We have studied the Sermon on the Mount, how to carry out God's work in the community, and the parable of the lost sheep.  We will begin studying St. Francis Xavier next week.

The Arts:  This month:  Haunted Houses and Halloween Plays!

Areas of Strength:

The students were very good with adding and subtracting three and four digit numbers.  Many of them grasped the concepts of long division and two digit multiplication. Many have developed a good understanding of the format for Reader Response.  They are loving science experiments, and most work well in groups.

Things to Look Out For:

It is always helpful to rehearse multiplication and division facts with the kids.  Also, reading together for ten to fifteen minutes a night benefits everyone.

The new way of evaluating includes a large emphasis on problem solving.  It is important for the students to not just calculate, but understand how to solve a problem, and which numbers and what operation to work with.  We do a lot of problem solving in class,  If you want to work on this with your child there are many websites that are helpful, and I have some resources at school I can photocopy for you.

Again, I'd like to take a minute and tell you how much fun I am having at CTK in Grade 5.  The kids are awesome.  They have personality, big hearts, and everyone is included.  I have yet to see many of the social issues that plague many schools.  CTK sure is a special little place, and I could not be more proud to be a COMET!

Thank-YOU for all of your support.  I am here to help your child learn and grow and WANT to come to school.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns.  My first priority is, and always will be, the kids.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Friday, October 17

Writer's Workshop:  Rough draft due Monday

Math:   Page 86 #1 and #2

Hypothesis for Science Experiment due Monday

Religion Response due Monday

Have your script memorized for Monday

Great job on Book Talks!  They were fantastic!  Everyone was well prepared, and it was thoroughly enjoyable to listen to all of them.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Thursday, October16th

Last Day for Book Talks tomorrow

Rough draft for Writer's Workshop due Monday

Picture Day is tomorrow

Scripts should be memorized for Oct 20th

Religion Response due Monday

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Math Fun and Book Talks

Math Update:  We have finished off our unit in Whole Numbers, and have begun Unit 3:  Geometry.  The first day of the new unit we discussed the different attributes of polygons in groups using wipe boards.

The second day we sorted triangles, examining how the different types of triangles are similar and different, and what defines a triangle as equilateral, isosceles, and scalene.

We are also working at using the correct terminology in class.

Today during book talks, we had Frodo the Hobbit and a witch from Hogwarts show up to talk to us about the events in their novels!  Very creative, both in their own way.