During the break I was researching (ie browsing pintrest) for new ideas to put into action in the classroom. I found a few cool ideas and modified them to best suit our group.
1. Number Ninjas!
This activity allows the kids to practice multiplication and division facts. Each time they master a level the receive a "belt" as in martial arts. As the students practice, they will move up the ranks in "belts." I have created a bulletin board in my classroom which will allow the students to show their success and display their belt. If they don't want to, they can keep their belt in their desk.
§ You have 90
§ You must
complete the 20 multiplication/division questions correctly.
§ Once you have
mastered the sheet, you receive a “belt” that indicates you have mastered that
§ You then have
the opportunity to attempt the next level to receive the next belt.
§ You may
display your belt for the class to see, or you may keep your success to
§ Good luck
2. The Dull Word Graveyard
We are starting a unit in writing which focuses on word choice. We are going to talk about some common words we use in our writing that are boring and below our grade level, and retire them to the "Dull Word Graveyard." We will then post the graveyard in the classroom, as a type of thesaurus anchor chart for the kids to use in their writing. I will post a picture of this once we as a class have complied and completed it.
3. Literacy Centers based on Fractured Fairy tales
We are going to read "The Stinky Cheeseman" and discuss how it is a fractured fairy tale. We will create an anchor chart indicating the main components of a fractured fairy tale. We will then go through the center activities I have created, and work on each center altogether, so that the students understand the expectations of each. We will post some examples of strong student work. The students will then rotate through the centers every two days. If they finish early, they are silent reading. Students are encouraged to always have a novel at school. We have a classroom library, and we visit the Budimir library once every two weeks. I also have the ipads available and they can read articles on their newsela accounts.
Curriculum Update:
Math: Transformational Geometry
English: Guided Reading/Independent Reading, Fractured Fairy tale Centers, Word Choice activities
Science: Changes in Matter
Religion: Lent
Arts: Drama and Visual Art
Phys-Ed: Badminton, personal safety.
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