Sunday, 4 January 2015

Curriculum Update: January

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a great holiday break!

Christmas was very exciting over at our house, with Santa visiting our two-year old, and then going to church with the two-year old, only to have him sing "Happy Birthday Dear Jesus" through the whole mass...

So, back to school we go!  Here is a look at our curriculum focus for January:

Numeracy:  We will be studying patterns for the next few weeks. We will be looking at recursive patterns, alternating patterns, extending patterns, input/output machines, determining missing numbers in an equation etc.

Reading:  We are focusing on making inferences/interpreting texts and using stated and implied ideas in texts to make inferences and construct meaning.


  • identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop several linked paragraphs, using a variety of strategies 
  • establish an appropriate voice in their writing, with a focus on modifying language and tone to suit different circumstances or audiences 
  • proofread and correct their writing using guidelines developed with peers and the teacher 
Media:  Advertisements-invert and overt messages

Oral Communication:  Speeches!

Social Studies: We will be examining the Fur Trade in Canada and life on the seigneury.

Science:  Later on in the month we will begin studying forces acting on structures and mechanisms. 

Art:  Textures created with a variety of tools, materials, and techniques; patterning

Religion:  We will be discussing how the Church instructs individuals and societies to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first (Matt. 35:31-46); this is accomplished on a global level by distributing goods fairly throughout the world; bringing immediate aid to those in need; and working for structural changes that establish a fairer distribution of goods while addressing the root causes of poverty. 

Health: We will examine various ways we can live a healthy lifestyle (mind, body, soul)

Phys-Ed:  Basketball

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