Sunday, 30 November 2014

Christmas Concert

We are practicing for the Concert which will be:

Wed, Dec 17th

1:30 and 6:30 pm

Please let me know if your child won't be at one of the performances so that I can choreograph accordingly.

The following are costumes the kids will be wearing:

Angels:  Wings, dress all in white.  It doesn't matter what they are wearing, as long as it is white.  Halo as well.

Shepherds:  Bath robes, towel, headband, long stick/staff

Sheep:  Black pants, black shirt, two pairs of white tube socks.  I can take care of the ears.

Mary:  Bathrobe.  I have a scarf for her.

Joseph:  Bathrobe, towel, headband

Wisemen:  Crowns, bathrobe, a wrapped present, necklace/ring

Singers:  Nicely dressed

Innkeeper:  Robe, towel, headband

Thanks so much for your participation.  Please let me know if you do not have the costume, and I will look for it for the child.

Can't wait!!

Saturday, 29 November 2014


Math Test Monday

Make sure you are up to date on your reading!  Check your calendars in your Response Books!

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Ska Nah Doht

Our First Field Trip

We travelled the long two hour trek to Longwoods Conservation Area in the Thames Valley (London area) to Ska-Nah-Doht Village.  We are currently studying First Nations People in the Great Lakes Region, so this field trip was perfect for us.

When we arrived we headed into the Museum.  Here we learned about the daily life of the First Nations peoples, and we were able to see and touch examples of tools First Nations people used every day.  

From there we headed to real re-creations of "longhouses," within the "palisades" of a re-creation of a real village.  It was amazing!  We also saw real life versions of the look out, the fire pit for cooking, real furs, shelters, and so on.

After lunch we played a hunting game in the forest.  The kids all had different roles in the game-some were famine, some hunters, some animals being hunted.  The kids were running around in the woods in the fresh air-it was awesome!

I will definitely return to Ska Nah Doht with my family.  I am so glad I was able to learn right along with the kids and experience something that was so much fun and educational at the same time.

Bus Ride!

Grace was a raccooon in the Hunting game

A model of a longhouse!

In the village

Hunters in the game

The Lookout

The Longhouse

In the museum we looked at tools

In a longhouse

Zack the Hunter

Kevin is nice and warm!

Clan Mother and her baby-sitters


Math:  Test Monday.  We did a huge review today.  Please take a peek at your child's book.  We will do more review tomorrow.  Check earlier posts for a complete Math review.

Literacy:  Circle presentations tomorrow.  Keep up with your reading!  Don't fall behind, check your calendars!

Social Studies response due tomorrow

Mustache day tomorrow

Bring in money for subway lunch

Ska-Nah-Doht was a blast!  I have a bunch of photos I will post in the next few days!

Monday, 24 November 2014


Literacy:  Response due tomorrow, and make sure you are caught up on your reading

Math:  Worksheet on volume

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Curriculum Focus: Math and Language

Math:  Our measurement unit is wrapping up, we only have about two lessons left.  We may have to have our test Monday instead of Friday to ensure all of the students have a good grasp of the concepts, and they can have the weekend to study.
Concepts covered:

  • Time:  SI Notation and 24 hour clock
  • Capacity
  • Volume of rectangular prisms (with and without the formula), and irregular shapes (without a formula)
  • Measuring Mass
  • Conversions mL-L and vise versa
  • Conversions mg-g-kg
Anchor Charts are up in class, and many manipulatives have been used (clocks, cubes, and experiments with capacity to name a few).

We have also done a lot of work using our Math PALS and exploring/experimenting using the three part Math lesson.

1.  Minds On:  Activity to get the kids thinking about the concept the lesson is based upon.

2.  Work on It:  The kids are given a task to work on/solve

3.  Consolidation:  This is where we meet up and look at some student work as a class to get some ideas on how to solve/tackle a question, and different strategies we can use.

Literacy:  Lit Circles, Main Idea, and Organizational Patterns

Lit Circles:  Students are in groups reading novels they have chosen themselves.  They meet as a group and discuss what they have read, and present different aspects of the novel to the class once a week (I use tasks that coincide with the CASI reading comprehension test).  They seem to be enjoying it.  They are also given time in class to read silently, and to work on Reader Responses.  At the end of the unit we will be working on different culminating tasks.  

Reading:  Main Idea:  We have done a bunch of activities with main idea, using mentor texts (story books), non-fiction articles from Time Magazine (Kids Edition), articles in the Nelson Literacy, and on the Saints we are studying in Religion.  The kids are really starting to "get" it, as they say.

Writing:  We are moving our focus from poetry to organizational patterns in non-fiction writing.  There are four we are studying:  sequence, compare/contrast, problem/solution, and cause/effect.  We will be analyzing a variety of texts to determine the elements of each type.  From there, we will choose one pattern and write a Writer's Workshop with that as our focus.

Christmas is quickly approaching, and we have begun practicing our act for the concert!  Ah!  The kids are super pumped, (and hilarious).

Ska-Nah-Doht Wednesday!  It's supposed to be above zero!  Yes!

Friday, 21 November 2014

Coffee House:  Part 2

Currently we are wrapping up the Main Idea in Literacy.  Yesterday the students chose an article they were most interested in, sat down with a "cup of Joe" (hot chocolate), a cookie, jazz music, and read and analyzed their articles.  From there, they wrote a response, identifying the "main idea" of the article.  Afterwords, they read their novels for Literature Circles.

It was awesome!  We had a blast.  Next up, we are working on organizational patterns in writing.

Below are some pics of the afternoon:

Thursday, 20 November 2014


Math:  Lesson on Volume #1 and #2

Social Studies:  Brochure due Monday

Religion:  Paragraph due Monday

Math Test is postponed to next Friday

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Lit Circle Response due tomorrow

Lit Circle word study due Friday

Brochure due Monday

Religion due Monday

Marks Going Home Today

The marks for end of October, early November will be going home today.  Please review, sign, and return.

  • A few measurement marks
  • Spooky Narrative
  • Remembrance Day Poem

Areas to Focus:  Telling time using the 24 hour clock, calculating elapsed time, converting mL-L and vice versa.

Below are some website the kids might enjoy:


Tuesday, 18 November 2014


I just checked the weather for November's supposed to be 3 Degrees!  Woo-hoo!
I know that we can't necessarily count on a long-term forecast, but it looks promising!

Upcoming Assignments: Religion and Social Studies

Religion:  Due Monday
Saints:  A Proper Paragraph

After discussing, researching, creating a poster, and responding on and about the topic of Saints, you will write a response in the form of a proper paragraph, explaining how or why a person is canonized a Saint.

We have discussed this, read about it, interviewed Father Bedard, and brainstormed together as a class to recap.


Write a proper paragraph (topic sentence, 3 supporting points, closing sentence)
It must be typed
Must be double spaced
Use size 12-14 font
Due:  Monday

Social Studies:  Brochure due Monday

Social Studies: Assignment 1:  Brochure

Create a brochure of either the Wendat or Innu Nation.  Ensure that you choose the tribe that you did not study in the chart paper activity.


You must explain the following:
  • food
  • shelter
  • clothing
  • decision making

Focus on:
  • neatness
  • esthetics (make it pretty)
  • Use your own words
  • include many graphics/captions

An exemplar has been placed in the classroom


Knowledge and Understanding
demonstrates a thorough understanding of all of the elements of the tribe
demonstrates a considerable understanding of all of the elements of the tribe
demonstrates some understanding of all of the elements of the tribe
demonstrates a limited understanding of all of the elements of the tribe
brochure is planned out to include all information neatly
brochure is planned out to include most information neatly
brochure is planned out to include some information neatly
brochure is planned out to include little information neatly
student uses his/her own words to express all information
student uses his/her own words to express most information
student uses his/her own words to express some information
student uses his/her own words to express little information
Many graphics, captions, and colour is used throughout to effectively express ideas and allow the reader to visualize the information
Graphics, captions, and colour is used throughout to considerably express ideas and allow the reader to visualize the information
Some graphics, captions, and colour is used throughout to somewhat express ideas and allow the reader to visualize the information
Few graphics, captions, and colour is used throughout to express ideas and allow the reader to visualize the information


Math:  Extra Practice sheet

Literacy:  6 words:  Define, illustrate, and write each word in a sentence due Friday

Religion:  Saints paragraph due Monday

Math Test on time, capacity, and volume on Monday

Monday, 17 November 2014


I was coaching this afternoon, and completely forgot to post the homework!  So sorry!

Math:  Lesson on Capacity:  #2 and #3

Lit Circles:  Choose 6 words.  Define each word.  Illustrate each word.  Use each word in a sentence.


Bring in Ska-Nah-Doh form

I think that's apologies!

Friday, 14 November 2014

Talking Circles, Coffee Houses, and Improv Theatre...Oh My!

These kids are amazing.  They are creative, and fun, and innocent, and not afraid to be silly or take risks.

I love them.

We have been doing some "out of the box" activities as of late...they have really been maturing, so I have been able to do more creative activities with them that require more self-discipline.

Talking Circle:  We have been studying First Nations People in Social Studies.  We are learning about the historical elements of the culture, clothing, shelter, food, etc.  One area we have focused on is decision making.  The First Nations Peoples believed that when it was time to make decisions, the Elders and leaders of a tribe would gather together in a "talking circle" to make these decisions.  They would follow a specific protocol in order to make these decisions.  We recreated the talking circle in class, through guided imagery and role play.  It was AMAZING!  The kids were in character the whole time, and they really came up with some creative and insightful thoughts.

Coffee House:  I got this idea from my friend Kaitlin, who is teaching a Grade 6/7 this year.  She had the coolest idea.  She put out writing samples, and the students analyzed each others work to jazz music in a "coffee house" atmosphere.  I tried it today with the students' Saints posters that they created.  Each student had to choose a different poster, read it, and on a slip of paper tell me what they learned about the Saint that they analyzed.  The kids were silent.  They read.  They wrote.  They learned.  IT WAS AWESOME!  I will definitely do this again, probably when we finish up the strategy of main idea in reading.  After the kids finished their response, they read their novels for lit circles.  They insisted on listening to the jazz all afternoon.  I was in heaven.  A teacher's dream is to see her students engaged, having fun, and learning.

Improv Circle:  Since we have been having such a successful week, I decided to do some improv with the kids.  My university background is Drama-in-Ed, so I'm pretty confident when it comes to gauging a group to see just what they can handle.  This group thrives in interactive methods.  So, we played "freeze" and "Machine Creation."

Freeze:  Two students begin a scene.  When another student sees the position of a player where they think they can change the scene completely and begin a new one, they yell "freeze!"  That student taps one of the players on the shoulder, and begins a new scene.  The kids LOVED it, and they were really good at it too!

Machine Creation: When one student goes into the middle of the circle and starts a repetitive action and makes a repetitive sound.  From there, one at a time, each student enters the "machine" with a new action and sound.  At the end, all of the students have collectively created a machine working together,  The kids were awesome with this activity.

I love the kids, and I love watching the progress they're making.  I love watching them become independent.  It's beautiful.  I was having so much fun that I didn't take any pictures!

Coming Up: The Advent Mass (Grads 4 and 5 are presenting), the Christmas Concert (Dec 17th) and Ska-Nah-Doh (Nov 26).


Read your novel for Lit Circles

Health Poster due Tuesday

Ska-Nah-Doh form

Wednesday, 12 November 2014


Poem, Art, and Saints Poster due Friday

Math sheet and Comma sheet due tomorrow

Ska-Nah-Doh forms!

Parent/Teacher Interviews are tomorrow night

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Poem and Saints poster due Friday

Response due tomorrow in Reading

Monday, 10 November 2014

Curriculum Update

Math:  We are studying measurement.  Time, SI Notation, elapsed time, volume and capacity are some of the topics we will be covering.  A lot of the work will come from Chapter 6 of Math Makes Sense.  We will not be studying money yet, as that is part of the number sense and numeration strand of the Math curriculum.  Please ask your kids to read the analogue clock randomly throughout the night to sharpen their skills.

Literacy:  This month we are examining main idea, poetry, grammar rules, and organizational patterns in writing.  The kids have analyzed poems that are about Remembrance Day, and have identified their main idea.
They have learned different rhyming patterns, and about free verse poetry.  They are currently writing their own poems.  We will then move on to organizational patterns (cause and effect, sequence, problem and solution, etc).
We have started our literature circles as well.  Some of the titles are Stargirl, Maniac McGee, Nothing Fair in Fifth Grade, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.  The students were given a calendar with exactly what is expected of them every day.

Social Studies:  We have begun our unit on First Nations and Early European Explorers.  Currently we are studying daily First Nations life.  We will get into the early explorers and how the explorers and the First Nations people interacted.

Health:  We are focusing on health eating and exercise.  We will be talking about balanced diets, and ways to burn calories and have fun at the same time.  We will be assessing health risks of over-eating, under-eating, and lack of exercise.

Phys-Ed:  We are working on understanding the game of volleyball!

Visual Art:  We are working on shadow and depth.

Religion:  We are studying the saints.  We are working on completing Saint posters.  Once they are finished we will analyze each others posters and learn as much as we can about all of the different saints.

Below are some pictures of the kids working.

Random Acts of Kindness Day (this past Friday)

Random Acts of Kindness Day was awesome.
It began with the Social Justice Club bringing each classroom a chart paper and sticky notes.  Students were instructed to write down the random act of kindness that occurred and stick it up on the chart paper.  IE:  Victoria complimented me on my new hair cut.

The kids LOVED this activity, and it was so nice to see them being so kind and recognizing each other for it.  We also made cards for Veterans, and the Social Justice Club collected the cards and brought them to the Royal Canadian Legion.

Also, on a personal note:  Whomever is responsible for giving me the Tim Horton's gift card randomly...thank-you so much!  It made me whole day!  Along with your children, who make my day every day!


Wear red tomorrow for Remembrance Day

Bring in Ska-Nah-Doh form by November 21

Remembrance Day Poem due Friday

Saints poster due Friday

Friday, 7 November 2014


Math Tests went home to get signed
Veteran cards due Monday
Book orders due Wed
Ska-Nah-Doh forms

We had a great day today!  It flew by!  Looking forward to next week.

In Math we have begun to study time.  Please see the worksheet attached to the Math Test.  I wrote down individually where the students are struggling.

If the students have any First Nations artifacts or books they have, they are encouraged to bring them in.


Thursday, 6 November 2014

Thursday, November 5th

Math:  Page 196 #2 and #4

Social Studies Title Page due tomorrow


Wednesday, 5 November 2014


First Nations and Early European Contact title page due Friday

Ska-Nah-Doh forms due by Nov 21st

November 7th is Random Acts of Kindness Day

Today we had a presentation from the International Childrens Games.  A former student (currently in Grade 10 at Holy Names) came to tell the kids that reaching their dream is possible, as he is on the ICG soccer team and will be representing Canada in Australia this coming year!  His message was clear...that the students of CTK are capable of anything that they put their minds to!

Here are some photos below:

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Homework and Remembrance Day

Math Test tomorrow!

Ska-Nah-Doh Field Trip November 26th.  Letters went home today

Random Acts of Kindness Day is Nov 7th

Remembrance Day:

We are studying poetry and main idea in language.

Today the students were put into partners and given a poem.  Together they had to decipher the main idea and write it out using the proper reader response format.

We also discussed Remembrance Day, wars of the past, and watched a video to get our visualizations flowing.

Students will create art pieces, write their own poetry, and analyze different poems and their meanings throughout this unit.

Thank a veteran or soldier today!

Monday, 3 November 2014


Math Test Wed!

I assigned the "Show What You Know" for review.  Not every question though.

Pictures went home today, as well as marks for October, Little Caesar Pick Up Reminders, and Interview forms.

Important Upcoming Dates

Tuesday November 4
   10:00am All Schools’ Liturgy @ Corpus Christi Grades 1-8      

Wednesday November 5

  Soccer Presentation Grades 3-8 in the gym at 1:05pm
 Muskoka Parent Meeting 5:00pm in the gym

Thursday November 6
 Picture Retakes

Upcoming dates

         November 10 Reports go home
            November  13 Parent/Teacher Interviews from 4:30pm -7:30pm
            November 26th:  Grades 5 and 6 to Ska-Nah-Doh